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New video shows German jihadis fighting with Taliban in Af-Pak border

POREG VIEW: German Taliban is a reality, at least from 2007. An American drone killed a German in N. Waziritstan on June 21. In the same area, another German, Eric Breininger, linked to Islamic Jihad Union (IJU) plot against American facilities in Germany, was killed in April. So, the significance of the new video is two- fold. One an open call to ‘honoured siblings in Germany’ to join the AfPak jihad.  Two al-Qaida still views Germany as a weak link in the US-led coalition in Afghanistan and believes that it can turn public opinion against  Germany’s Afghan enterprise with a couple of strikes on the German soil. At least 40 German youth attended al Qaeda camps in Pakistan last year. Some of them may have returned home as sleeper cells. Germany cannot say it is not forewarned.


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