
Afghan vote in Presidential election

Afghanistan is voting in its second Presidential election on Thursday. The ballot taking place amid Taliban intimidation and widespread violence gives the Afghans some control over their future. . President Hamid Karzai hopes to get a second term though his former foreign minister Abdullah Abdullah is giving him a stiff competition amongst some 41 candidates — two of them women- in the fray. Karzai is relying on war lords for his success. The latest to lend him support after a deal was stuck was Abdul Rashid Dostum.

A third of Afghanistan is at high risk of militant attacks.  To ensure a maximum turnout, NATO and US have made heavy deployment and mounted aerial surveillance. The next president will confront a demoralized populous, a formidable military challenge and international pressure to improve accountability and governance

Corruption and ineffectiveness of his government have greatly diminished Karzai’s popularity and legitimacy. If he gets less than fifty per cent vote, a possibility that stares at him, a run off become inevitable.

The result is expected to take a while to come in, tough challenges await the new incumbent in the Presidential Place in Kabul. He will have to confront a demoralized populous and a resurgent Taliban. Also, to be factored in is the international pressure to improve accountability and governance.



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